Bottled Water Consumption Surpassing That of Milk, Coffee, and Beer

Released on = December 8, 2005, 5:08 pm

Press Release Author = Green Room

Industry = Food & Beverage

Press Release Summary = Company Makes A Business Out Of Serving Health-Conscious
Beverages To Savvy Consumers. Green Room's "AquaBar" Adds A New Dimension To Special
Venues By Displaying The Latest And The Coolest Natural Beverages From Around The

Press Release Body = Los Angeles, December 9, 2005 - The bottled water industry has
seen a tremendous increase in sales since the mid-1990\'s. According to the Beverage
Marketing Corporation, bottled water consumption in the U.S. has surpassed that of
milk, coffee, and beer. As the market matures, it will become increasingly important
to continue product innovation and to increase brand awareness to combat falling
prices due to price promotions.

Our original consumer research provides critical insights in formulating a
successful marketing strategy. For example, more than half of respondents who drink
bottled water prefer spring water to purified water and notice a difference in the
taste. Forty-three percent of respondents feel that there is a significant
difference between bottled water brands, while almost two-thirds of respondents are
brand loyal.

Younger respondents, Black respondents, and respondents earning under $50K are more
discriminating in their views on bottled water. They feel that there is a difference
between purified and spring water and have a preference for spring water. These
groups are also the most brand loyal.
With new products hitting the market on a regular basis; bombarding the public with
an overwhelming selection of beverages there must be a way to distinguish from the
overwhelming selections. "What's good? What's not? Well, consumers now have an
online source they can depend on to do all the necessary research for them. AquaBar
easily navigates consumers to the best sources and fruit drinks-- that rock. All
products are 100% natural and are delivered by the case, for the full benefit and
experience of each brand. The selection process is based on health benefit, taste,
value and aesthetics-always an important factor for Green Room's clientele. The
company weeds through mediocre products and only selects those which meet their high
standards for quality and cool packaging. Founders, Mina Eghbal and Jason Board�,
are firm believers in replenishing our bodies with the finest natural liquids on a
daily basis and boosting our energies with elixirs made from natural minerals, herbs

AquaBar makes shopping for premium brands easy and extremely convenient. Savvy
consumers can now order their favorite beverages online and have them delivered
directly to their home and office. To learn more about the company and its products,
please visit AquaBar at

Web Site =

Contact Details = Green Room
2934 1/2 Beverly Glen Circle, 770
Bel Air, CA 90077

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